222 Hoddle is progressing at a remarkable pace

Have you heard? The new 222 Hoddle development in Abbotsford is progressing at a remarkable pace. This exciting development project will soon be complete and promises to bring a vibrant energy to the area. Let’s take a look at what has been happening so far on this amazing project.

Structure Topped Out and Complete. The structure of the building has now topped out. This means that all levels have been built up to the desired height, which is an incredibly important milestone for any development project. This structure serves as the base of the building and allows for the rest of its construction to progress accordingly.

Curtain Wall Façade System Being Installed. The curtain wall façade system is being installed and is currently up to level 3. This façade system helps add structural support and stability to the building while also adding an aesthetically pleasing appearance from outside views. It also helps with insulation, air conditioning, and sound proofing between floors within the building itself.

Internal Services Rough In Progressing Upwards. Internal services are also moving along nicely with mechanical A/C, electrical, and plumbing installations going on up the building as we speak. These services provide an essential foundation for other elements such as lighting fixtures, wall outlets, heating systems, etc., that need to be installed in order for a building to be operational when completed.

The 222 Hoddle development will be an impressive addition to Abbotsford when complete! From its strong structural foundations up through its internal services rough in, this project has made incredible progress over time towards completion so far -and it doesn’t look like things are slowing down anytime soon! We can’t wait for this new development to finally reach completion so everyone in Abbotsford can enjoy its unique energy when it does. Keep your eyes peeled; it won’t be long now!